Year: 376 standard days/384 local days (see notes)
Day: 23.53 standard hours (see notes)
Mean Radius: 0.98 standard
Gravity: 0.94 standard
Atmosphere: 1.26 standard
Axial Tilt: 84°
Natural Satellites: 1, 1.08 standard size, 29.54 standard day orbit, 3.83° inclination to planetary equator
Notes: Due to the high axial tilt, Nephaas has extreme seasonality; permanent and seasonal ice sheets dominate the equatorial regions, while the polar regions experience months-long days and nights. Persistent winds blowing from the hot face to the cold face during local summer and winter dominate the local weather conditions. Local populations and ecosystems feature significant adaptations to the climate as a result, with most animal species featuring migratory or hibernation behavior.